Assrooh Athakiyah

Media & Public Relations

Social Media Management for Business

General Objective: To provide participants with social media management skills and professionalism in digital content creation. Detailed…

General Objective:

  • To provide participants with social media management skills and professionalism in digital content creation.

Detailed Objectives:

  • A deep understanding of the concept of new media and its distinctive features.
  • How to optimally use social media sites personally and professionally.
  • Professionalism in creating influential digital content and facing the obstacles that stand in its way.
  • Ability to analyze websites and deal professionally with analysis tools.
  • Successfully manage social media accounts and use management tools with distinction.
  • Use social proof efficiently in advertising and digital marketing campaigns.
  • Achieve excellence in marketing via social media sites.
  • Use social commerce techniques via social networks.
  • Acquire skills in employing hashtags in promotional and marketing campaigns.
  • Reach a precise understanding of the concept of customer relationship management and employ it correctly.
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