Assrooh Athakiyah


Developing the Skills of a Job Evaluation Specialist

Course Description: It aims to provide trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to accurately and effectively…

Course Description:

It aims to provide trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to accurately and effectively evaluate and classify jobs within the organization. Participants learn how to analyze the tasks and responsibilities of each job, and use advanced tools and techniques to determine the wage and benefits structure, thus ensuring alignment with the organization’s strategies and objectives.

Course Objectives:

1) Understanding the concepts of job evaluation: Identifying the theoretical and practical foundations for evaluating and classifying jobs fairly and accurately.

2) Analyzing jobs and positions: Learn how to analyze the tasks and responsibilities related to each job and determine their importance to the organization.

3) Using job evaluation tools: Learn how to use different tools and models such as the “point system” and “relative comparison” to evaluate jobs.

4) Designing the wage and benefits structure: Learn how to develop the wage and benefits structure based on job evaluation to ensure internal balance and competitiveness in the market.

5) Fair job evaluation: Enhancing the ability to evaluate jobs in an objective and fair manner that contributes to improving the work environment and compliance with laws.

6) Compliance with legal and ethical standards: Understand how to apply legal and ethical standards when evaluating jobs to ensure fairness in organizations.

7) Communication with different departments: Learn how to communicate with different departments within the organization to collect data and analyze jobs accurately.

8) Analysis of results and making recommendations: Learn how to analyze evaluation results and make recommendations to improve the work structure and human resources within the organization.

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What Will You Learn?

  • By studying the course "Developing the Skills of a Job Evaluation Specialist", the trainee will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to become a professional specialist in job evaluation within the organization, able to analyze and classify jobs in scientific and accurate ways. The most important of these skills are:
  • 1) Job analysis and classification: How to analyze the tasks and responsibilities of each job and determine its importance to the organization.
  • 2) Using evaluation methods and techniques: Learn how to use different tools and techniques such as the "point system" and "relative comparison" to evaluate jobs.
  • 3) Developing a wage and benefits structure: Learn how to design a flexible and balanced wage structure based on job evaluation to ensure fairness within the organization.
  • 4) Fair and Balanced Evaluation: Learn how to conduct job evaluations in a fair and transparent manner, taking into account the balance between the needs of the organization and the rights of employees.
  • 5) Compliance with laws and ethical standards: How to ensure compliance with local and international laws when conducting evaluations, in addition to taking into account ethical standards.
  • 6) Interacting with different departments: How to collaborate with different departments in the organization to obtain and analyze the required data to evaluate jobs effectively.
  • 7) Reporting and Analysis: Learn how to prepare job evaluation reports and provide analyses that support strategic decision-making in the organization.
  • 8) Improving organizational structure and human resources: How to use job evaluation results to improve the organizational structure within the organization and increase operational efficiency.
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