منصة الصروح الذكية


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مهارات برمجة الروبوت المتقدمة

Learn Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Skills Advanced Robot Programming Skills Course aims to develop trainees’ skills in programming and controlling…

مهارات برمجة الروبوت (وفقًا لمعايير Mic Block)

Objectives: Learn the basics of robot programming and its use in education. Understand artificial intelligence and automatic control techniques. Develop…

دورة الرسوم المتحركة

A training program that aims to teach the skills of designing and animating graphic elements to create interactive visual content.…

تصميم الشعارات والهويات التجارية والأيقونات

Course Description: It aims to provide trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to create distinctive and professional designs for…

الأساليب الحديثة في مكافحة غسل الأموال ومبادئ الامتثال

Course Description: It aims to provide in-depth knowledge on how to combat money laundering and financial crimes, and to introduce…

أساسيات المؤثرات البصرية

Course Description: It aims to provide basic knowledge and skills in the world of visual effects, including how to use…

الرسم الهندسي بالحاسب AutoCad 2D - 3D

About the course AutoCAD is a design program with general use in many fields, used by engineers of various specialties…

مهارات برمجة الروبوت المتقدمة

Learn Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Skills Advanced Robot Programming Skills Course aims to develop trainees’ skills in programming and controlling…

مهارات برمجة الروبوت (وفقًا لمعايير Mic Block)

Objectives: Learn the basics of robot programming and its use in education. Understand artificial intelligence and automatic control techniques. Develop…

دورة الرسوم المتحركة

A training program that aims to teach the skills of designing and animating graphic elements to create interactive visual content.…

تصميم الشعارات والهويات التجارية والأيقونات

Course Description: It aims to provide trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to create distinctive and professional designs for…

الأساليب الحديثة في مكافحة غسل الأموال ومبادئ الامتثال

Course Description: It aims to provide in-depth knowledge on how to combat money laundering and financial crimes, and to introduce…

أساسيات المؤثرات البصرية

Course Description: It aims to provide basic knowledge and skills in the world of visual effects, including how to use…

الرسم الهندسي بالحاسب AutoCad 2D - 3D

About the course AutoCAD is a design program with general use in many fields, used by engineers of various specialties…

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