Assrooh Athakiyah


Modern Methods in Combating Money Laundering and Principles of Compliance

Course Description: It aims to provide in-depth knowledge on how to combat money laundering and financial crimes,…

Course Description:

It aims to provide in-depth knowledge on how to combat money laundering and financial crimes, and to introduce participants to the latest methods and techniques used in this field. The course aims to enable trainees to understand the complex mechanisms on which money laundering is based, in addition to enhancing their skills in applying compliance strategies and adhering to anti-money laundering practices and laws at the level of financial institutions and the private sector.

Course Objectives:

1) Understanding the concept of money laundering: Introducing participants to the concept of money laundering and its legal and financial dimensions.

2) Identifying money laundering methods and techniques: Studying the modern methods used by criminals to transfer illicit funds.

3) Teaching anti-money laundering strategies: Learning the tools and mechanisms that can be used to detect and stop money laundering operations.

4) Defining the principles of compliance and local and international laws: Understanding the role of compliance with national and international laws in combating money laundering.

5) Applying institutional compliance strategies: Training participants on how to implement and apply anti-money laundering policies within financial institutions.

6) Risk Analysis and Assessment: Teaching trainees how to identify potential risks associated with money laundering and provide solutions to reduce these risks.

7) Interacting with Suspicious Activity Reports: Understanding how to recognize suspicious activities and submit appropriate reports to the competent authorities.

8) Improving Institutional Awareness: Raising awareness among employees about the importance of combating money laundering and its impact on institutions and society.

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What Will You Learn?

  • By studying the course "Modern Anti-Money Laundering Methods and Compliance Principles", the trainee will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to become an expert in combating money laundering and implementing effective compliance policies. The most important of these skills are:
  • 1) Understanding money laundering patterns: Learning how to recognize the various methods of money laundering operations and how to track them.
  • 2) Money laundering detection methods: Learning how to use modern tools to monitor and detect suspicious financial activities and detect money laundering attempts early.
  • 3) Compliance with local and international laws: How to comply with anti-money laundering requirements according to local and international laws and their application in financial institutions.
  • 4) Managing risks associated with money laundering: Learn how to assess potential risks and deal with them efficiently to improve institutional performance and reduce illegal practices.
  • 5) Adhering to international standards: Learn about international standards such as FATF (Financial Action Task Force) that define the basic steps in combating money laundering.
  • 6) Reporting and interacting with regulatory bodies: Learn how to prepare suspicious activity reports and submit them to the relevant authorities accurately and in a timely manner.
  • 7) Improving institutional compliance practices: Applying best practices in combating money laundering by creating an integrated legal compliance environment within the organization.
  • 8) Raising awareness and continuous training: Raising awareness among employees in financial institutions about modern methods of combating money laundering and providing continuous training programs.
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