I, Smart Surouh Training Institute, pledge to adhere to the principles of intellectual property rights and copyright laws, as well as all applicable regulations. I fully commit to following the guidelines set by the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property and Copyright Protection with utmost accuracy. I will also respect the rights of others and ensure proper conduct with all trainees and employees at Smart Surouh Institute. This is my formal declaration.
Name: Smart Surouh Training Institute
Licensed by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation
License Number: 61144-1-8
Date: 12/05/1442
License ID: 224117141777
The website of Smart Surouh Training Institute serves as an electronic publishing platform for all activities, events, and training programs. It must be used in a manner that is beneficial and does not, in any way, harm the reputation of the institute, its members, or expose them to legal accountability. Therefore, it is essential to follow the publishing policies outlined in this document and strictly adhere to them. Each department that is assigned a webpage bears full responsibility for the content published on that page. The content must align with the designated purpose, comply with electronic publishing policies set by relevant authorities, and be verified before publication. Each department is accountable for what it publishes.
The electronic content must adhere to the following guidelines:
Smart Surouh Institute places great importance on online training courses and considers them equivalent to in-person courses. Based on this, the following rules must be observed: