Assrooh Athakiyah

Intellectual Property and Copyright Rights

Principles of Intellectual Property and Copyright Rights


I, Smart Surouh Training Institute, pledge to adhere to the principles of intellectual property rights and copyright laws, as well as all applicable regulations. I fully commit to following the guidelines set by the Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property and Copyright Protection with utmost accuracy. I will also respect the rights of others and ensure proper conduct with all trainees and employees at Smart Surouh Institute. This is my formal declaration.

Name: Smart Surouh Training Institute
Licensed by the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation
License Number: 61144-1-8
Date: 12/05/1442
License ID: 224117141777


The website of Smart Surouh Training Institute serves as an electronic publishing platform for all activities, events, and training programs. It must be used in a manner that is beneficial and does not, in any way, harm the reputation of the institute, its members, or expose them to legal accountability. Therefore, it is essential to follow the publishing policies outlined in this document and strictly adhere to them. Each department that is assigned a webpage bears full responsibility for the content published on that page. The content must align with the designated purpose, comply with electronic publishing policies set by relevant authorities, and be verified before publication. Each department is accountable for what it publishes.

  • We emphasize the need to adhere to intellectual property rights and copyright laws for all images, logos, and texts uploaded to the website in accordance with the publishing policies set by the relevant authorities. Any copying or reproduction of images, logos, or texts without proper attribution is strictly prohibited. Departments will be held fully responsible for any violations.

Content Writing Guidelines for Website Pages

The electronic content must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Compliance with societal norms and traditions.
  • Avoidance of offensive, inappropriate, or racist language in any form.
  • Respect for others’ privacy.
  • Adherence to the language rules used for website creation.

Content Updates

  • It is essential to keep website pages and materials up to date, ensuring their relevance at the time of access. This includes news, contact details, phone numbers, email addresses, descriptions of materials, and other relevant information.

Website Changes and Disclaimer

  • The institute reserves the right to change the information on the website at any time without prior notice.
  • While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on the website, we cannot guarantee its absolute accuracy or offer any warranties regarding the website or its content, including text, graphics, advertisements, links, or any other materials.
  • Additionally, the institute does not provide any explicit or implied guarantees regarding the absence of viruses or defects in the website materials or the uninterrupted availability of these materials without errors.

Policy Updates

  • Smart Surouh Institute may modify these policies at any time, with or without prior notice. In the case of significant changes, these will be displayed on the website or communicated to users via email.

Attendance Policy

Smart Surouh Institute places great importance on online training courses and considers them equivalent to in-person courses. Based on this, the following rules must be observed:

  1. To receive a certificate of attendance, a trainee must attend at least 75% of the total training hours.
  2. The name used to enter the workshop/training session must match the name registered in the electronic registration system.
  3. Trainees must log in 15 minutes before the session starts to check their internet and audio connections.
  4. Training materials must be downloaded from the course registration website before the session/workshop.
  5. Microphones should remain muted during the workshop unless participation is required. Once participation is completed, the microphone should be muted again.
  6. For the best experience, it is recommended to attend training sessions using a computer.