منصة الصروح الذكية


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القوة الشخصية

Objectives: Enhance self-confidence and decision-making ability. Develop effective communication skills and influence others. Learn how to deal with pressures and…

مفردات برنامج استراتيجية الإدارة المالية المتقدمة وأنظمة التدقيق الإلكتروني

General Objective: To introduce participants to the advanced financial management strategy and electronic auditing systems and their working mechanisms. Detailed…

مفردات برنامج إدارة المكاتب والسكرتارية الإلكترونية

General Objective: To provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of office work and office management.…

فن الإتيكيت

Objectives: Learn the basics of high-class behavior in social and professional interactions. Improve communication skills and tact in different situations.…

مهارات الحوار الناجح

Course Description: It aims to develop participants’ abilities to conduct effective and influential dialogues. Trainees learn the arts of good…

مبادئ ضريبة القيمة المضافة وحسابها

Course Description: It aims to provide trainees with basic knowledge about value added tax and how to calculate it accurately,…

(مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية) وتقارير إدارة الموارد البشرية

Objectives: Identify key performance indicators in human resources. Learn how to measure and analyze performance and make data-driven decisions. Prepare…

دورة صياغة العقود

Objectives: Learn the basic principles of drafting legal contracts. Understand the legal aspects, rights and contractual obligations. Learn how to…

تطوير مهارات الممارس في الاعلام الرقمي ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي

Course Description: It aims to provide participants with basic and advanced knowledge and skills in the field of digital media.…

دورة تطوير مهارات محللي الإعلام

Objectives: Understand news analysis techniques and media trends. Develop the ability to critically evaluate media information. Learn about modern media…

تطوير مهارات اخصائي ضريبة القيمة المضافة

Course Description: It aims to provide trainees with the in-depth knowledge and practical skills necessary to manage and apply value…

دورة تطوير مهارات اخصائي تقييم وظائف

Course Description: It aims to provide trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to accurately and effectively evaluate and classify…

القوة الشخصية

Objectives: Enhance self-confidence and decision-making ability. Develop effective communication skills and influence others. Learn how to deal with pressures and…

مفردات برنامج استراتيجية الإدارة المالية المتقدمة وأنظمة التدقيق الإلكتروني

General Objective: To introduce participants to the advanced financial management strategy and electronic auditing systems and their working mechanisms. Detailed…

مفردات برنامج إدارة المكاتب والسكرتارية الإلكترونية

General Objective: To provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of office work and office management.…

فن الإتيكيت

Objectives: Learn the basics of high-class behavior in social and professional interactions. Improve communication skills and tact in different situations.…

مهارات الحوار الناجح

Course Description: It aims to develop participants’ abilities to conduct effective and influential dialogues. Trainees learn the arts of good…

مبادئ ضريبة القيمة المضافة وحسابها

Course Description: It aims to provide trainees with basic knowledge about value added tax and how to calculate it accurately,…

(مؤشرات الأداء الرئيسية) وتقارير إدارة الموارد البشرية

Objectives: Identify key performance indicators in human resources. Learn how to measure and analyze performance and make data-driven decisions. Prepare…

دورة صياغة العقود

Objectives: Learn the basic principles of drafting legal contracts. Understand the legal aspects, rights and contractual obligations. Learn how to…

تطوير مهارات الممارس في الاعلام الرقمي ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي

Course Description: It aims to provide participants with basic and advanced knowledge and skills in the field of digital media.…

دورة تطوير مهارات محللي الإعلام

Objectives: Understand news analysis techniques and media trends. Develop the ability to critically evaluate media information. Learn about modern media…

تطوير مهارات اخصائي ضريبة القيمة المضافة

Course Description: It aims to provide trainees with the in-depth knowledge and practical skills necessary to manage and apply value…

دورة تطوير مهارات اخصائي تقييم وظائف

Course Description: It aims to provide trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to accurately and effectively evaluate and classify…

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